Cultural Integration in France

Cultural Integration in France

Anyone who has travelled or lived in a foreign country , or even moved around in their own country will be well aware of the differences in culture that exist and impact on our lives when we are away from ‘home’. We often talk about culture as being as...

Greetings and Goodbyes in French For Beginners

Greetings and goodbyes in French may appear a little more formal than in English, especially as people do not often go directly for first names in a first meeting situation. Most of the convention lies in the difference between “Vous” and “Tu”...

The Easy Way to Learn French

Let me just say that the title is misleading, there is no easy way to learn a language – it takes, time, practice and exposure to the language and culture in an authentic setting. However, it doesn’t mean that it is an impossible task nor that it...

40 Fascinating facts about France

Let’s take a quick look at some of interesting and unusual facts about France: The name “France” comes from “Frank”, a Germanic tribe that invaded the Western Roman Empire in the 6th century and founded the first independent kingdom...
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